Topics Archive

Ripples in the South Asian neighbourhood

A rising China poses a challenge for all countries, especially those in its neighbourhood. What are the options available to offset the conflicts it could bring?

Not-so-white House: Is America Ready for Kamala Harris?

Identity politics may be the game-changer for the vice-presidential Democrat candidate for the 2020 U.S. election, but her political experience and stance on cardinal issues also count

A Favourable Anomaly Called Donald Trump

Despite his administrative blunders and his brash criticism of his rivals, one cannot be dismissive of President Trump's chances in the November elections. His oddities are what keep his supporters…

Pandemics, supply disruptions could turn into security threats

Originating in China in the 1850s, spread by the fleas during a mining boom in Yunnan, and moving to India and Hong Kong, the bubonic plague claimed at least 15 million lives and perhaps catalysed…

Chinks in Putin’s Armour

Putin's credential as a strongman in foreign policy has been put to the test by a series of crises in his own backyard

No man is an island: Michael Chertoff

National security needs to take into account interdependence: Michael Chertoff, Former Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Where Will Asia Fight? On The Margins

The populous Asian landmass is prone to host of internal and external conflicts which will continue to retard its march to peace and prosperity

India & the United Nations (UN)

The UN works with the governments of nations primarily to maintain international peace and secondarily, to promote friendly relations between nations. The UN Charter was drafted and signed during the…

Dr. Paulraj: Induction into the AMACAD

In recognition of his contribution in the field of science and technology, Dr. Arogyaswami J Paulraj was inducted into the AMACAD.

'Hospitals not designed for pandemic'~Dr Garcia

‘There is a need to re-engineer COVID treatment spaces with negative pressure as no hospitals are designed for handling pandemics’ .

COVID-19 Pandemic: Test for Leadership

The COVID-19 pandemic, is the third challenge that Mother Nature has thrown our species, in recent years.

Estonian Perspective of Cyber Security

Mr Aasmann focused on Estonia's cybersecurity at the webinar, need to build trust for secure systems and interdependence among sectors.

China's Assertiveness Is for 'equality with U.S., Not Hegemony': Emmott

There is a need for Washington to “repair” its foreign policy towards China and incentivise it to become an active part of multilateral institutions, says Bill Emmott, the former editor-in-chief of…

Sri Lanka Elections: Vote for Stability

A strong showing at the hustings by the formidable duo has cemented their place in Sri Lankan politics for some time to come. What does it mean for its people and the region?

Have Passport, Will Travel? Not in Post-covid Skies

The pandemic progress card of nations will dictate the ease of international travel. While it's a rough road ahead for backpackers, high-net-worth individuals have the luxury of opting for…

Democracy champions in a post- COVID world

“Democracy, while not perfect is far more effective than autocracy in the long term, which only guarantees short-term solutions”: Kuni Miyake.

End of a Decade - End of the Teens

The teenage years of the Twenty-First Century is over , we at Synergia take a peek at some of the consequential events on our global patch that could help us better understand 2020 and beyond

The Cost of Short-Termism

This article is the first in a new 'Synergia Futures' series about the long view of humanity, which aims to take a step back from the latest trending news to widen the lens of our current…