Topics Archive

Slave trade in Libya

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has called on the authorities to urgently investigate the situation and bring the perpetrators to justice after reports..

Humanitarian crisis in Yemen

There is a humanitarian crisis unfolding in Yemen as aid agencies struggle to provide urgent humanitarian supplies to the region. A Saudi-Arabia led..

Kenya’s President Kenyatta

Kenya’s Supreme Court has upheld the victory of President Uhuru Kenyatta in last month’s re-run of presidential elections. The results of the elections that had been held..

Kushner under scanner

Senate judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley and ranking member Dianne Feinstein have sent a letter noting that White House senior aide Jared Kushner failed to..

Arab League condemn Hezbollah

Saudi Arabia called for an emergency meeting of the Arab League wherein it managed to persuade most of the organization’s 22 member states to condemn Iran's Lebanese ally..

Mugabe in trouble

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, who has reportedly been placed under house arrest by the powerful military, is resisting calls to step down. Robert Gabriel Mugabe..

Merkel’s future uncertain

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s fourth term may be in doubt as exploratory talks to form Germany’s next coalition government collapsed when Free Democratic Party (FDP) walked..

Russia vetoes on Syrian resolution

Russia has vetoed a US-sponsored UN resolution that would have extended an international inquiry into chemical weapons attacks in Syria. Russia has supported the..

Automakers bet big on China

With investments from companies like Volkswagen, Tesla and Ford, China has emerged as the main market for electric cars. During the late 19th century and the..

Stampede in Morocco

A stampede that broke out in a southwestern Moroccan town resulted in the deaths of 15 people and five more were injured. The stampede occurred when food aid was being..

Zimbabwe in crisis

A political crisis has unfolded Zimbabwe as the military have taken over the headquarters of the state broadcaster ZBC and blocked access to government offices.

Venezuela in crisis

International credit ratings agency Standard & Poor's has since declared Venezuela to be in "selective default". The country has failed to make $200m (£153m) in..

Japan on the rise?

Japan has logged in its seventh quarter of economic growth in a row. The economy grew at an annualized pace of 1.4 per cent in the third quarter of 2017.

Erdogan criticizes US & Russia

Turkish President Erdogan has criticized the role played by US and Russia in the Syrian War and has called on both countries to leave the region if they are not in favor of a..

Russia edges out US wheat

Russian Agriculture Minister Alexander Tkachev has revealed that Russia is beating the United States in grain market in 2017. US’ status as an agricultural superpower is..

Trump Jr interacted with WikiLeaks

US President Donald Trump’s son, Trump Jr was in direct communication with WikiLeaks in the crucial final stages of the 2016 presidential election.

Earthquake hits Iran & Iraq

A 7.3 magnitude earthquake has struck the border region between Iraq and Iran, killing more than 330 people. So far, an estimated 2,530 injuries have been reported.

The new world order

US President Donald Trump’s recent visit to Beijing ended with him unable to secure many major concessions from China in key issues. What does this indicate?

UK fears Kaspersky?

British spymasters are reportedly concerned over Kaspersky, the free anti-virus software handed out by Barclays that is being given away for free for its customers.

Flynn orchestrated a kidnapping?

Michael Flynn, US President Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser is reportedly under investigation over a plot to kidnap a Turkish dissident cleric living in the US.